Bee On Trade

Why does Beeontrade require authorization to access my Amazon Seller Central account


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How Does Beeontrade Facilitate Amazon FBA Shipments?

What Access Does Beeontrade Require?

What is the process of transferring a shipment to an Amazon FBA warehouse with Beeontrade?

Beeontrade efficiently transfers your shipment to the FBA warehouse by gaining restricted access to your Amazon Seller Central account.

Why does Beeontrade need access to my Amazon Seller Central account?

To proceed with a shipment to an Amazon FBA warehouse, Beeontrade requests restricted access to your Amazon Seller Central account.

What actions does Beeontrade take with the restricted access?

Beeontrade may download FBA and pallet labels as necessary and input relevant data into your Amazon shipment plan, such as pallet dimensions, with restricted access to your Seller Central account.

How can I provide Beeontrade with the necessary permissions?

How can I share the required permissions with Beeontrade?

For details on how to send Beeontrade the appropriate permissions, refer to the "Sharing Seller Central" guidelines.

Can any Amazon seller account grant this access to Beeontrade?

Keep in mind that only professional Amazon selling accounts have access to sharing rights.

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