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Who Should I Inform That My Supplier Is the Bill of Lading's Consignee


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Understanding Consignee and Notify Party in Shipping

What is a Consignee in Shipping?

A consignee is the party to whom ownership of the products is transferred when cargo reaches its destination. The following information is required when providing details of a consignee:

  • Legal Business Name: The consignee's official business name.
  • Legal Business Address: The consignee's official business address.

Why is the Consignee's Name Important?

A bill of lading must include the consignee's name. It is a critical piece of information for the shipping process.

Who is the Ultimate Consignee?

The ultimate consignee is the party that will receive the entire shipment. In many cases, the consignee and the ultimate consignee are the same person or entity. For example, if your company, registered in the United States, is shipping to Amazon, you, as the shipper, become the ultimate consignee because you gain ownership of the items upon delivery.

If you are a foreign importer, the ultimate consignee must be a U.S. company. In the case of shipping to Amazon U.S. as a foreign importer, Amazon can serve as the final consignee. You should use your allocated Amazon fulfillment facility as your company address.

Why Does the Ultimate Consignee Matter for Foreign Importers?

Foreign importers must ensure that the ultimate consignee is a U.S. company when shipping to the United States. This is important for compliance and ownership transfer.

Why is My Supplier Asking About the Notify Party?

Your supplier may inquire about the Notify Party, which is the party to be notified about the goods' arrival. While you can have multiple Notify Parties on a bill of lading, only one is necessary. If you are unsure who the Notify Party should be, you can declare yourself as the party to be notified.

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