Bee On Trade

Can I Use Wood Pallets and Packaging


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Can I Use Wood Pallets for Shipping?

Yes, you can use wood pallets, but they must follow specific regulations.

What Regulations Apply to Wood Pallets?

  • Wooden pallets or wooden packaging must be fumigated and stamped with the International Plant Protection Convention (IPCC) stamp.
  • The IPCC stamp certifies treatment to eliminate harmful insects.
  • The stamp should be displayed on at least two sides of the pallet.

What Happens if Wood Pallets Don't Meet These Regulations?

  • Wood packaging without the required IPCC stamp or found infested with insects will violate regulations.
  • Violations can result in penalties from Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

When Did CBP Increase Penalties for Violations?

As of November 2017, CBP increased penalties to encourage compliance.

What Is ISPM 15?

ISPM 15 (International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures No. 15) is a measure developed by IPCC.

What Does ISPM 15 Address?

ISPM 15 addresses the requirement for wood pallets and packaging to be fumigated to prevent infestation by foreign insects.

Are There Alternatives to Wood Packaging Material?

Yes, several options are not regulated by the USDA, including plywood, plastic pallets, hardboard, metal frames, etc.

Are There Any Exceptions to These Regulations?

Amazon only accepts wooden pallets for palletized cargo.

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