Bee On Trade

Notify Party


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Who is Considered a Notify Party?

Find out who qualifies as a notify party in the context of shipping.

What is the Purpose of a Notify Party?

Discover the key role played by a notify party in the shipment process.

Why is Customs Clearance Important?

Understand the significance of customs clearance in shipping.

How Does a Notify Party Expedite Customs Clearance?

Explore how a customs broker, freight forwarder, or other intermediary can speed up customs clearance and cargo delivery.

Benefits of Listing a Notify Party

Learn about the advantages of including a notify party in your shipping arrangements.

Any party who receives shipment information from a carrier after a shipment arrives at its destination is referred to as a notify party. To speed up customs clearance and cargo delivery, a customs broker, freight forwarder, or other middleman is typically listed as the notifying party.

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