Bee On Trade

Intensive Exam


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What is the most in-depth Customs exam?

The most in-depth Customs exam is known as the Intensive exam.

How is the Intensive exam conducted?

During an Intensive exam, your container will be trucked to a Centralized Examination Station (CES).

What is a Centralized Examination Station (CES)?

A CES is a privately run location designated by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) for the physical inspection of imported or exported cargo.

Who unloads the container for inspection at the CES?

The CES will unload the container if CBP selects it for an intensive exam.

What happens after the cargo is examined at the CES?

After examination by a customs officer, the CES will reload the cargo back into the container.

Who is responsible for trucking and storage fees during an Intensive exam?

The importer is responsible for all trucking and storage fees associated with the container during the Intensive exam.

How long does an Intensive exam typically last?

Intensive exams usually last between 5 to 7 days, although the actual duration may vary depending on the CES and port traffic.

How is the shipment schedule updated during an Intensive exam?

Your Beeontrade operations team will update your shipment schedule accordingly.

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