Bee On Trade

Double Blind Shipment


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What is a double-blind shipment?

A double-blind shipment involves a situation where the shipper delivers a package without knowing its final location, and the consignee takes it without knowing where it came from.

Why is it called a double-blind shipment?

The term "double-blind" in shipping is justified by the fact that it conceals the identities of both the shipper and the source.

What is the purpose of a double-blind shipment?

One justification for shipping double-blind is to protect the identities of the shipper and the source.

What information is concealed in a double-blind shipment?

In a double-blind shipment, the identities of the shipper and the source are protected.

How does double-blind shipment affect the shipper's knowledge?

In a double-blind shipment, the shipper is unable to find the consignee's contact information when shipping double-blind.

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