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Direct or Indirect Customs Representation


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Direct and Indirect Customs Representation: Understanding the Basics

What is direct representation in customs procedures?

Direct representation involves a customs agent filing a declaration in the stakeholder's name and on their behalf. The stakeholder, acting as the declarant, is fully accountable for the declaration.

What legal foundation governs direct representation in the EU?

Article 18 UCC (Union Customs Code) serves as the foundational legal framework for direct representation in the European Union.

What is indirect representation in customs processes?

Indirect representation occurs when a customs agent files a declaration in their name but on behalf of a stakeholder. The declarant, typically the customs agent, assumes responsibility for the declaration's substance.

When is indirect representation commonly used?

Indirect representation is employed in situations where the stakeholder is based outside the importing country. In such cases, the stakeholder cannot serve as the declarant.

What legal basis governs indirect representation in the EU?

Similar to direct representation, Article 18 UCC serves as the legal foundation for indirect representation in the European Union.

What distinguishes direct and indirect customs representation?

  • Direct Representation: Stakeholder is the declarant.
  • Indirect Representation: Customs agent is the declarant on behalf of the stakeholder.

How does the EU customs system ensure accountability in both types of representation?

The accountability in direct representation lies with the stakeholder, while in indirect representation, the customs agent is responsible for the declaration's content.

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